Psychedelic art is a visual expression of the profound shifts in consciousness, creativity, and culture that characterised the 1960s. It emerged as a visual language deeply intertwined with the counterculture movements of the time, reflecting a desire to break free from societal norms and explore uncharted realms of human experience.
Running Tips for Beginners: Your Ultimate Guide
Are you a beginner looking to venture into the world of running? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll explore some essential running tips for beginners that will set you on the path to success. Whether you’re aiming to improve your fitness level, shed a
Why Santa Claus Steals the Show on Christmas?
Ho ho ho! ‘Tis the season to be jolly, and nothing says Christmas like the jolly old man in the red suit and white beard—Santa Claus! But wait a minute, wasn’t Christmas supposed to be all about Jesus’ birth? Why does Santa seem to steal the spotlight? Let’s unwrap this
From Silence to Understanding: Lack of Communication in a Relationship
You’re sitting across from your partner at a cozy café, but the silence between you feels louder than any words spoken. You used to talk about everything – dreams, fears, even the mundane details of your day. What happened? Something has changed, hasn’t it? Talking about lack of communication in
How to Calm Down from an Anxiety Attack: 7 Simple Steps to Relief
Are you having an anxiety attack? Heyy, breathe buddy! It’s gonna be alright! It’s not uncommon for anxiety attacks to catch you off guard and make you feel completely helpless and powerless. Anyone who has gone through one can vouch for the intense distress it can cause. Don’t worry, there
Brain & Booze: How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain and Central Nervous System?
Isn’t it amazing how light and relaxed you feel after a glass of wine or a cold can of beer? Like, do you ever wonder what actually goes on in your head and why you do what you do after drinking? Well, today you’ll know! The Brain & Nervous System